Monday, March 30, 2009

so maybe..

Hello again!

It's been awhile and I wish I could say I was out and about having crazy adventures of the sort but I was being responsible.

I was being an adult.

I know I make it sound like such a glib thing. But, being an adult is kinda a glib thing isn't it?

I constantly have to make sure I pick up after myself, pay bills on time, arrive early and stay late, day in and day out....

It never stops.

I guess that's why my Uncle used to always tell me to enjoy my kid moments, because as the french say being an adult le sucks.

I guess the whole point of this post is, where and when do we turn it off?

When do we stop being adults for two seconds and just enjoy life freely?

I like to think I have little moments each day that my kid self would be proud of...

Or at least not smirk at disapprovingly.

I know we all have to grow up sometime and take control of our lives and actions.

But maybe we can "un-grow up" a little bit too...

At least for a little while...

Friday, March 6, 2009

Get inspired!

Since today was such a perfect day for yours truly, you get a toofer.

Otherwise known as two-posts-in-one.

I know, get excited.


Here is an amazing soundtrack/mix tape/ extravaganza that my friend Jeff made for me.I have been grooving out to it all day, and was feeling extremely generous so I'm going to share it with you!!

Music from&inspired by the Castle: Made by Jeffey:):)

1.One time too Many- Phoenix
2.I write Sin's not tragedies- Panic!
3. Goods- Meters of State
4.Nth Degree-Morningwood
5.I disappear- The Faint
6. Are you the one?- The Presets ( LOVE! LOVE! LOVE!)
7. Sexy results- Death from Above 1979 ( This has been on repeat all day :)
8. Snakes on a plane- Cobra Starship ( Oooh Samuel L.)
9.I don't feel like dancing- Scissor Sisters ( Oh but I do!)
10. You get what you give- LMC vs. New Radicals
11. Here In my Arms- Hellogoodbye
12. Say Say Say- Hitack
13. Jump for my love- Girls Aloud
14. Oh my gosh- Basement Jaxx
15.Love dont let me go- David Guetta
16. Every little thing she does is Magic- Ra

Myspace, Itunes, Limewire these songs.....

whatever just listen& repeat.

Your Welcome!

I don't feel like dancing

Hey all!

First of all, let me just say that I had the best day. today.

Yes, this is me speaking.

I can be positive....don't judge

Anywhooo....I had the best day today.

Because God, the big man upstairs decided to take pity o my poor cold soul and turn up the heat down here.

Thank you, and keep it up.

Sincerely, Katie Lemons.


Yes, I just wrote God a letter in my blog.

get over it.

Speaking of getting over things....

I had a very unusual situation happen to me this week.

I met acute boy at a party.

No, that's not the unusual part!

Well, me being me, I completely forgot his name and to get his telephone number.

So I did what any teenager/adult-ish lady in my shoes does....

I facebooked.

Well I facebooked my friend to find out who he was, because lets face it I'm not that technologically savvy.

So as I waited with a bated breath for her response on the cute guy, I got this confusing response...

She did in fact know him.....and "they're talking"


I can facebook him.....if I want to.

I've never seen such a flagrant display of territorially marking since....I don't know the last time I tuned in for a little Discovery channel and I watched a black widow spindle her prey.

I mean that's exactly what she did.
She marked her territory.

And she did it so exquisitely, that if I do facebook him I will be in violation of girl code.

Because she had expressed her feelings, and I ignored them all to facebook a cute guy I had one conversation with.

Let me fill you in on some back story for this girl. She is a HUGE flirt. I mean she'll flirt with inanimate objects, girls, dont matter.

And that night was no different. I could visually see and count at least seven guys that she was "talking" to.

Cute guy?
Not so much.

So whats my game plan??

I'm gonna play it smart, alpha female style.

and stake it out.
gather information.

then I'll make my move.

This should be fun.

Currently listening to the Scissor Sister's, " I don't feel like dancing"