Hello there...
It's come to my attention that however long I've had this blog for , I've yet to tell you a little about myself, you know, let you get to know me. So far all you received is the late night rantings that float around in my head and then expunge onto this here blog.
So here are 7 things about me, that you may or may not need/wish to know...but I'm sending out into the universe anyway...
1. I'm obsessed with blog's. Not just any blogs mind you, but there are certain blogs I absolutely have to read before I can even think of getting some shut eye. I realize that makes me mildly pathetic/lame but my reasoning is that its like reading a little bedtime story of some sort, only its online.
Here's just some of my fave's...
slaves to fashion
2. I am brutally honest. I like to think of myself as one of those great, rare people who will always tell it to you straight regardless of well.....anything. Sometimes this can cause a bit of trouble for me, but in the end you cant argue with the truth.
3. I am a clothes whore. I live, breathe, eat, smell, clothes..well maybe not eat but I think you get the picture. I not only look at clothes online everyday but I work in a clothing store, and around other clothing stores. The majority of my money goes to clothes, and I literally could spend hours looking at clothes, reading about clothes...etc...
4. I have to read the labels on things. This is a little obsessive compulsive thing actually. When I buy something, it could be toothpaste or a cashmere sweater, I have to read the label. And I'm talking about the entire label.
5. I hate children. I honestly dislike children, albeit there are some really cute kids out there but the majority of kids annoy the hell out of me. Just today I was shopping with my madre and these kids were running around the store yanking things off shelves, screaming, chanting mommy at an ungodly decibel and creating an all around ruckus. I realize that this makes me similar to an old Jewish man but god those kids were annoying.
6.My favorite book is The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold. Please read this fantastic, enlightening book. It is one of those books that makes you feel all the emotions of the characters, my heart literally ached for these characters. When I finished it , I turned it over and started reading it again...its that good.
7. My idea of perfect day would be to wake up late on a Sunday, which would mean I had off from work :)! I would walk into my kitchen and there would be hot pancakes and fresh cantaloupe waiting for me and Jack Johnson would be playing from an ipod in the background. I would curl up with the comics in a little nook and just let the sun's rays bask over my perfect day.
A Cottagecore Guide To A Good Summer
1 year ago
1 comment:
it's boring when you live by yourself
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