Saturday, December 26, 2009

Maybe I just don't know

Hello kids,

So in my last post I was quite vague about the exact love-esque troubles that have been going on in my life, and the reason for that is, I have to be careful of who reads this here blog.

I started this blog to have an open space for my thoughts, feelings. etc besides my personal journal.

I thought maybe, if I put these words somewhere out into the universe, that maybe a random stranger would stumble upon them and have similar thoughts and conversation.

Yes, it all sounds incredibly naive now but my intentions have been for folly.

Because the people/person who reads this blog, are people I know.

People whom I know very well, lets just put it that way.

And although my initial intentions of publicly expressing my thoughts, etc was ideal for me, that has changed.

I realize now that you cannot have a sounding board without getting a little bit of sound in return. I will always get that echo. That feedback.

So readers, after two sporadic years of blogging this is my last post.

I'm not saying I won't start another blog, but perhaps I will take some time to reorganize how I view this particular spectrum.

Thank you, for listening and occasionally commenting.



Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Baby, don't hurt me no more...

Sorry, couldn't resist.

Moving on past bad 80's love songs, to the real crux of my blog post here.

How do you know when you've truly fallen in love?

A stupid question at first glance but lets analyze it for a second. After the intial infuaction aka "honeymoon" stage wears off, and your left wondering who is this person you've been crazy about really is after the make-out sesh.....

Can you really define that as love?

Is love the defining of a solid relantionship? The cusp of romance?

Maybe we'll never be able to properly define love, until were head over heels, living a disney fairytale, smack dab in it.

Or hurt by it.

Hell, I don't know.

I guess my biggest question of all, is how do you define your one true great love?

Do you measure all your semi-intense relationships in order to determine the one you felt the most about?

Is it the one with your best friend?

Or the person who lights you on fire with one smoldering gaze in your direction?

Who is it?

Maybe I needed to ask all these questions in order to think about what I constitute love...

I think love is an individual decision.
An individual feeling.

That no one can take away, or diminish with words,actions or time.

That's real love.

Monday, December 14, 2009


Hey kids-

Its me.

I don"t know if you've noticed that I've been feeling kind of lost in a sense. Well, read a few past blogs for my rudimentary explanation of such feelings.

Yet today, and really lately I've noticed a change within myself.

I'm happy.

I'm starting to live in those few precious moments when you could smile till your cheeks fall of, and you feel so full. Full, of emotion and words that all you can do is keep smiling and enjoying it.

I love these moments, when I can clearly see/feel/hear/ how happy I am.

And for the people who are making my life a series of smiles, laughs and sheepish grins at our own humility and embarrassment, thank you.

and lets keep it up.

I cant' wait until Jan.10th.