Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Oh briony...


So in reference to my last post, all zero of you who read it...

I mentioned that I hate liars and hypocrites, and as always, there is a story involved!

Yipee! Settle down kids...Settle.

Let me start at the beginning, so there won't be any confusion later on.

I am normally very vague(sweet alliteration y'all!) and don't give specific details at all, in order to have some semblance of anonymity for those that might stumble upon this here blog.

But, I'm throwing caution to the wind. Sort of.

And on that note, here goes nothing....

My best friend Posh has been my best friend for over seven years now, and while that may not seem long to some or all of you, it is to me. We have the type of friendship that can exist through inordinate amounts of time, we just pick up right where we left off.

And that's great. But, to me there's always been certain unspoken things. Now I can't say why, for any rhyme or reason in particular, its just something I think we both recognized.

Scratch that, it's because we/me was afraid of saying things that might end our friendship.

Why ruin a good thing, right?

Well, there comes a point in every relationship, when growth is needed.

How that growth enters the relationship is privy to the unknown atmosphere that is life, but c'est la vie.

In this case it was a guy. A guy that Posh had dated once upon a time, and that I consider/ed to be one of my truly good friends.

Seriously I would call him to move a dead body with me...not that that's a recreational hobby of mine.


Anyways, Posh and I had always considered this guy, whom I'll call Tofu still had feelings in some aspect for Posh. Deluded girl thinking, I know but such is the way of us females...

Well Tofu and I had just gone through a huge row, and weren't on the best of terms..

When I hear from Posh, that Tofu confesses his love for her, and that she rebuffed him so to speak.

Hence confirming our previous deluded girl thinking.

Fast forward a month or two later...

Tofu and I were still not speaking( Yes, I happen to stew for awhile) and I decided to mend the fence of our friendship.

Then I hear that Tofu went to see Posh for her birthday.

FYI birthday's are kind of a big deal to us...

At the time I thought it was odd for Tofu to be visiting Posh after the whole love confession thing, but I thought it best not to put a damper in the slightest at the risk of one's birthday celebration.

When I called Posh on the night of the festivities to ask how things were going with Tofu, she said she'd have to tell me about it later..

My suspicions were on amber alert at this point.

The next day, Posh just said that Tofu got drunk and was really annoying and ruined her birthday, but wouldn't really go into detail because he was still there apparently.

I finally got the whole story from her when she came down for the summer and it blew my mind. Literally and figuratively.

To be continued........

Friday, July 24, 2009

don't blame the liars nor the soothsayers..

Hello all-

I am moving in about 8 days and while its extremely exciting, refreshing and all those other warm fuzzie( yes I intended to spell is that way) feelings that are associated with only good things...

It's also terrifying as hell, no pun intended.

As the days approach, and the boxes mount every available in what used to be "my" basement, I keep getting anxious.

And not for the reasons you might think.

You see, this move is the move.

the move to bigger and better things..

But what if, that doesn't happen?

What if I continue skating through my life, and I never accomplish a smidgen of the insurmountable list of things worth living for?

Don't you have an invisible life list, consisting of all the things and places you want to see and be, and hear and just exist amongst?

Well I do...

And, I guess my greatest fear is not doing a single one of those things..

That I will continue to push along through life in this ho-drum way, just waiting.

Waiting for life to happen to me.

On another note, I can't stand liars.

More on that later, I promise.