Sunday, May 31, 2009

To err on the side of....

Hello all...

In regards to my last post, I did end up chopping off some of my hair.


Yes, I laugh out loud to myself.

I chopped a whole whopping two inches off. WOO!

I will post pics as soon as my sis decides she wants to be nice and take some for me and I figure out how to post them on this here blog.

I am bit of a technophobe.

Which translated through the Kt lemons-ictionary, means that I am afraid/fearful of all things technologically advanced. It makes texting quite the adventureland.

Neways, to the crux of this post. I frequently get sick, most often with sore throats. Please, no "thats what she said" jokes. C'mon kids, get a grip.

Moving on, my sore throats always turn into strep or tonsillitis. Then I have to go on antibiotics..blah,blah, blah and I'm out of commission for at least two weeks on a diet of fisherman's wharf cough drops, which taste like ass, and chicken noodle soup.

Sadly this happens at least twice a year.

And it always comes back.

With a vengeance.

So two days ago, it started again. The sore throat, etc..etc. So on a whim, I decided to WebMD it. Mainly because I'm in between doctors right now. Which sounds like an interesting story, but its really not.

Anyhow, WebMD basically diagnosed with tonsil stones or tonsiliths. To which, there is no cure but to remove your tonsils surgically. Some people comented that changing their diet to a meatless one helped or taking allergy meds was helpful.

So I guess I'll try both...but I have a sinking feeling I'm going to need surgery.

Either way, I'm just glad to have a diagnosis of some sorts. Because the last couple of years of being improperly diagnosed and being pill popped were not fun.

Sorry if this post is kinda gross, I'm sure you didn't wake up today and say to yourself, " You know what, lets read about throat growths!".

Probably not.

Unless your into that sort of thing.

Which you probably are, only weirdo's read this blog.

Go figure. FML.


I'm kidding.For the record, thank you to anyone, anywhere who reads this thing and tolerates my crazy talk. It's much appreciated.

Well adios kit kat's!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

To chop or not to chop?

Hey kids....
so its been a while

Nevertheless, I have come to a life standstill, a foreboding question looms like a dark omnimous cloud over my days....

To chop or not to chop off my hair!

Its kind of goes past my collarbone and it takes FOREVER to grow. But everyday I feel like its this scraggly,boring mess.

And then I get the strongest urge to play stylist and chop it all off. Its got to the point that I'm seriously considering short haircuts. And I mean short.

Anybody catch Mia Farrow's hair in Rosemary's Baby?
Yea-that short.

I know I'm just wishing for a change, and I'm not the most open person to change but its irking me to the point I'm willing to embark on an Edward Scissorhands-esque journey and I have a feeling that might not end with likable results...for anyone.

So readers..its now up to you!

What should I do??