Hello all
So today is the day I chose to crack the whip on my taxes...well my Step dad chose to crack the whip and I, well watched.
Anyways, he's almost done with the whole gambit, and informs me that I owe our beloved and dear government money...the approximate amount 467.00$$
If you haven't already guessed this was quite a shock to me, considering I've been paying this whore of a system quite a pretty penny for a year now.
I'm a student for chrissake!!
I know, I know, I shouldn't get my panties in a bunch over this, considering the amount I now have to shell out is going to pay for some rich senator's vacation "getaway" in the Hamptons....oh no
I think my anger or rather my extreme guttural resounding cry from the very depths of my soul that is currently screaming "THIS IS BULLSHIT!" is keeping me from sympathizing with those who actually have to pay a LOT more.
Then I notice it.
The mistake. This filthy whore of a government owes me now! Suck on that Senator Kerry! Enjoy the Jitney now sucka!!
Only I start thinking, really thinking about how our government is run.
If our government was any ordinary corporate or even a small run business they'd be completely S.O.L. right about now.
You know given the "recession"...
As a nation we are all about customer service, feedback, etc..
And lets just say our government sucks majorly on all those accounts.
I mean think about it, when was the last time the average citizen was truly heard?
My answer after snorting out a "never" is two to four years or whenever we decide to elect, delegate or appoint someone of "higher" calling to do it for us.
And by doing it for us, I mean expressing the issues that really affect every American in every household in the country.
Yes, Mr.newly elected-getting paid half a million dollars a year-to get jobs for blue collar workers in between schmoozing with oil big wigs- cheating on his wife with prostitutes or men-is really going to have MY best interest at heart....
Is anyone else's bullshit meter through the roof right now or is it just me???
I don't know...but the one thing I do know is that the supposed "Change" that's supposed to be happening right here in Washington is the same old lets spend "their" money to fix this nations problems because throwing money at a problem always solves it!
And by "their", I mean us. The average American citizen who works hard, pays their bills only to have 33% of it taken away...
Thirty Three Percent!
Oh but don't worry the 787 billion dollar stimulus plan that we will be paying for the next 30-or so years will definitely lighten the load tax wise....
And bring a "Change" to Washington.
All I know is at least in Africa no one tries to tax your mud hut.