Monday, January 26, 2009

Anti Stereo

Hello all,

I'ts offically wintertime and snowfall is ineveitable. Lately I've been feeling a bit lonely, like the cold weather was making me hibernate.

I really hate snow....

I hate the cold...

Yet I'm starting to welcome the change it brings from me. A couple months ago, I was coming unhinged so to speak. There's no explanation really...I just know I was.

I was going out, partying, spending money like an heiress who just got Daddy Warbucks and her inheritance all wrapped up in one singular present.

It was also 20 degree's warmer.

Now I look outside at the harsh winds, scarecrow branches and bundled up kids and think to myself."Nah, lets stay in bed with the flannel and onesie"

And, I do.

I really do.

I'd like to attribute my hermit behavior solely on the weather but I know it's me.

I've become my parents.

I retire at 9:30 p.m. on weekends.

I plan outings based on the savings I will reap.

I eat soup for all 3 meals.

I shout at the t.v. knowing full well that "they" cannot hear me

I change my clothes as soon as I get home. And by changing my clothes, I mean shedding my jeans and sweater for my onesie and slippers.

I'm actually starting to enjoy my hermit/old person behavior.
Maybe it means I'm growing up or I'm just becoming boring.

I'm sure I could blame this behavior on a number of things...ranging from the plausible to criminally insane.

Who knows?

For now or at least until the groundhog finally faces his shadow, I'm staying in with all my flannel and onesie glory.

Hear! Hear!

Currently listening to: Keane: Your Eye's Open

Friday, January 2, 2009

Resoultion Restitution?

Hello boys and girls and Happy New Year too!

How were my last minutes of 0-8?

Pretty good, I must say. I ended up staying in and partying with my best friend.

Next year is going to be the crazy one, because I'll be 21.


So, I don't usually make New Years Resolutions because well, there always kind of lame. I almost never accomplish or even try to accomplish them. But there's something about this year that makes me want certain things for myself.

And even if I don't accomplish them or whatever, that maybe writing them for the world to see is a step in itself.

Something like that....

So here goes;

1. Learn to forgive.

I have always been the type of person who holds on to grudges, of every kind of nature. I'm not the type of person to forgive and forget...ever. This is something I kind of prided on because how often in life do people truly stick to their guns?

Never! Only it makes you/me the non-forgiving person look callous and well, petty. Because nine times out of ten, its over something petty.

I'm 20 years old and I need to learn to get over it. Whatever it may be.

2. Expand my circle.

I do practically the same things every day. I eat at the same restaurants, talk to the same people, shop at the same places... There's a point when it gets repetitive, when your life becomes a series of to speak

And I'm sick of it.

I need to go to new places, meet new people, try new things, experience life a different way...

There's nothing wrong in knowing what you like but there becomes a point when your just repeating yourself...and frankly that's boring!

So I'm going to things...

wow, I sound like Dr.Phil.....

bear with me here...

3. Be Healthy.

I go to bed anywhere from midnight to later on school nights, I don't eat proper meals at any set time, I never exercise, and sometimes I engage in illegal activities that cause me to have hangover's.....

None of this do I deem healthy behavior.

As a result, or so my parents think, I get sick about 4 times a year. And I mean sick. I literally have to go to the doctor and everything. It sucks.

And it needs to change.

As I'm writing this it's currently 11:58 pm, and I haven't even begun to get ready for sleep.

Clearly its going to be an uphill battle for these resolutions.

But that's whats so great about New Year's, you kind of get a do-over.

Its the one time all year that you can say to yourself, "lets change"

It's a re-soul-lution!

hey, I'm lame. But ya love it. :)

ps. This is a new thing I'm adding to this here blog....telling you what I'm listening to, because I think everyone should have a semblance of a soundtrack to their lives...

Currently listening to: Coldplay- the scientist