Hello, all of you
I realize that it's been awhile since my last post but frankly I didn't have anything to post on.
Nevertheless, god I love that word/phrase. Never-the-less( said in pompous English voice, and when I say English, I really mean British)
As I was saying, I have a new job and so far its not as painstakingly boring as my last one was. THANK GOD!
I've finally found my footing at school, meaning I've started to get it together. For all two of you that read this blog, you know what I'm talking about.....or at least I hope you do....but for the rest of the kiddies that have just stumbled on this here blog, let me recap for vou....and yes I meant to type that.
School isn't hard for me per say, its that I lack the motivation to actually accomplish everything with desired results. I blame it mostly on my procrastination but that's not it in it's full entirety...
I had lost my drive, my need to succeed, my sheer determination.....whatever you want to call it...it was gone and it made school practically worthless. I wasn't doing the work, so what was the point?
WELL, now its back. I've got my mojo back. And it feels so good to actually feel empowering for once, to have control over my own life.
Yes, I know I had control before but honestly it didn't feel like that. I felt like I was aimlessly floating along, I had become one of those people who simply waits for life to happen to them... and let me be utterly frank when I say this....I am not one of those people.
Now, you might be wondering, well kt lemons what caused your mojo to come back? What changed for you?
The honest to god answer to all of that is I got pissed off.
I got so angry, and it felt so good to feel so strongly about something that I completely agreed with to the tee.( sorry bad golf reference)
My anger grew to empowerment and now I've got it back.
I know that's probably not the healthiest way to deal with things..or whatever bull shit thin your thinking to negate my previous ranting...but it works for me....and that's all that matters.
So what made me so angry?
The answer to that and more awaits you in my next post.
stay tuned.
A Cottagecore Guide To A Good Summer
1 year ago