Monday, April 14, 2008

just some food for thought...

I would like to think that people have something inside them that decides their choices for them, only it brought me to an earth-shattering we really have free will?
Yes, we all have our own minds but if you start to think about an idea that you know is all yours, can your really find the very root of your idea? Or did you draw your source from elsewhere....

Sorry if I have just confounded you in the worst mind tangle possible, but I have come to the realization that nothing is original.

Everything stems from something.

Now when I say that I just had this realization, I dont mean that I suddenly had this great AH-hah! moment...
I just started thinking about what drives our thoughts,and do we really have control over them?

Is free will really up to us? or is it merely watered down ideas and versions of someone else's thoughts....hopes...aspirations.......

Or maybe all of us have the same thoughts...the same feelings
Its the individual that provides the reaction
People are pretty complex simplistic .......people.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

kiwi a go-go

Hello again.....
This past week has been ruled by one thing,
that thing being my job. I'm currently a student and I also have a pretty demanding job
Its a job that shouldnt be demanding not even the smallest of regards, alas it still is.
My boss, is a complete nincompoop to say the very least, and everyone is forced to compensate for her sheer stupidity, proven utmostly at the simplest of tasks.
Let me role play for ya, just so you can truly get a better idea of what I deal with on a day-to-day basis;
Setting: brightly lit workplace, workers are are v.busy and working hard, the Boss is sitting at her desk with a very confused face, resembling a cross-eyed chipmunk if one had to speculate.....
Boss: I just got get( says this in an excruciatingly nauseating voice) why wont it send!!!??
Me: ( in an extremely confunded-at-her-stupidity voice) Because you haven't selected send...
Boss: ( in a higher pitched excruciatingly nauseating voice) Whaaaattt???!

sorry that was the sound of my brains hitting the tiled floor.

in other news....I had a fun weekend, I got to hang out with a friend that I haven't really hung out to much with, so it was good to bond some.....
I went laser-tagging ( I like to connect with my inner-Rambo) and chased hyperactive teenyboppers with my uber cool laser gun.
I dined in with some superb sushi, grazie a million times over to the chef; my little sister.
School is almost over and then I have more school
I will be docking in some extra edjuh-ma-kay-shun this summer
hopefully I will still find some time to pool it up..because honestly thats all ones summer should consist of....
wells sorry to cut you short on my life's happenin's but I do have homework*
ta ta for now

* by homework I really mean read Perez Hilton....
dont know its on your favorites too!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

maybe a little green eyed?

hello ....
so I just want to point out that I hardly ever get jealous
and when I actually do, its usually taken quite a bit to get me there
For instance, when a guy that I'm currently dating tells me that he's going to go have lunch with his ex, I dont get jealous.
nope, nada, nil
I get even, so to say.
Now I know what your thinking...that I'm manipulative, vindicative....whatever.
The fact of the matter is if he wants to go out and have lunch with his ex, thats fine, who am I to judge or limit who he decides to spend his lunch hour with.
Maybe their friends, or planning a suprise party together, who knows?
I guess I'm comfortable enough with myself to not obsess over the what if's...
Not to contradict myself and all..which is precisely what I'm about to do
here's the current situation
theres this guy that I'm friends with, and we've only recently started hanging out more frequently
and we are strictly friends as of now
At first I wasnt sure if I liked him in a more-than friends way but the more time I spend around him the more I think I want to be more than friends
here's the thing though, he treats me like one of the guys, and I have yet to receive any type of "vibe" to go off of
I explianed the situation to some of my friends, and they all think that he does in fact like me
and yes, I do realize how middle school that last sentence sounded.
So the other we were chatting via instant messaging...(how very You've Got Mail I know...)
and he tells me that he is taking a trip with this girl...which is fine
good for him! I hope they have a great time!
I wish I could genuinely mean that last statement but I am under the spell of the very green-eyed monster that is normally not a problem of mine
like at all...........
So what do I do..
well thanks for listening/reading
hopefully next time I'll have more to go on and henceforth share to you